on a string 意のままに操られて The prime minister is just on a string; there's a big shot behind. 首相は操り人形に過ぎない。裏に実力者がいるのだ。 I can't dribble a basketball even if it is on a string. バスケットボールがひもでつながれていたとしても、僕はドリブルができないんだ。
string 1string n. 糸, ひも; (楽器の)弦; 一列; 一連. 【動詞+】 adjust the strings of a violin バイオリンの弦の調子を調節する with no strings attached 条件をつけずに He broke the string with his hands. ひもを両手で切った They c
she's still in an unstable state , attached to the sky with the string on her hand . 手に残った糸で空につながってる 不安定な状態のままだ
its feature is that the player rotates the main body to change the string on the main body to be played , instead of rotating the bow . 特徴として、弾く弦を変えるために弓ではなく本体を回す。
although almost every part of the body seems to have been repaired at some point , the knot tying the string on the chest is done in an old style , and so is likely to replicate the original . 体部のほとんどが後補とみられるが胸前に紐の結び目を表す服制は古様であり、当初像の表現を踏襲している可能性がある。
in principle , they grip the bow with the left hand and wear a yugake on the right hand and draw a bow by putting the string on the base of the right hand thumb , at this moment the yugake protects the thumb from the string . 原則として弓は左手、弽(ユガケ)は右手に嵌め、弦は親指根に掛けて弓を引くが、その際弦から右手親指を保護する為に使う。
they used a method of interrogation that was based in superstition and that was entirely unscientific; they would place a string on the ground and one by one people would walk on the string , drink liquor , walk back across the string , and whoever was stoned during the process was declared guilty . その方法とは、一本の紐を地面の上に置き、1人ずつその紐の上を歩いて前進し、酒を飲んで元に戻るというもので、その間に石を投げられた者が犯人とする非科学的・迷信的手法であった。